Squadron Events



USPS National Meeting:


Rosen Plaza Hotel

9700 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
04 - 09 February, 2025

D/5 Member Point of Contact: D/C Robert S. Blevins, AP  (301 481-1408)


ASPS Executive Board Meeting:


ASPS Executive Board Meeting via ZOOM @ 7:00pm

December 19, 2024

January 23, 2025

February 27, 2025


D/5 Spring Conference & COW:


Spring Conference & COW

Holiday Inn - Ocean City, MD

Thursday, March 27 - Sunday, March 30


ASPS & KNSPS Ladies Lunch:


We would love you to join us for lunch! Please R.S.V.P. to Kathy Burke at kab2016dec@gmail.com or 410-279-0818

See the latest edition of the Anchor Watch for details.

December 10, 2024 @ 11:30am - Libby’s Coastal Kitchen, 357 Pier 1 Road, Stevensville, MD 21666

410-604-0999  www.libbeyscoastalkitchen.com

January 14, 2025 @ 11:30am - Location TBD

February 11, 2025 @ 11:30am - Location TBD


ASPS January 2025 Dinner Meeting:


Thursday, January 02, 2025
Annapolis Elks Lodge #622 (www.elks622.com)
2 Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037
6:00 PM - Social Hour
7:00 PM - Dinner
7:30 PM - Speaker – TBD
Speaker's Subject: TBD

Meal will include: Meal will include: Soup, BBQ Ribs, Honey Glazed Ham,
BBQ Baked Beans, Greek Pasta Salad,
Dinner rolls & butter, Desserts

Vegetarian meals will be plated and served.
Vegetarian Option: Pasta Primavera and Red Sauce.
Please indicate vegetarian when you send your response.
RSVP by Monday, 01 January, 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232
$25.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to Annapolis Elks.
All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of the dinner


ASPS Holiday Party 2024:


Sunday, December 08, 2024 - 10:30am
Pirates Cove Restaurant (www.piratescovemd.com)

4817 Riverside Dr, Galesville, MD 20765 - 410-867-2300

Holiday Apparel Contest: Most Tacky, Most Festive, Best All-Around. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift whose value does not exceed $20. Please bring a check for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots drive.

Meal will include:
Link Sausage, Pecan Smoked Bacon, Potatoes w/ Onions & Peppers, Scrambled Eggs, Egg Strata Bake, French Toast, French Fruit, Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks, Cash Bar


RSVP by Monday, December 02 at 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232

(Reserve Early - Limit of 50)


$25.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to ASPS


Note: All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of your meal.


ASPS February 2025 Dinner Meeting:


Thursday, February 06, 2025
Annapolis Elks Lodge #622 (www.elks622.com)
2 Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037
6:00 PM - Social Hour
7:00 PM - Dinner
7:30 PM - Speaker – TBD
Speaker's Subject: TBD

Meal will include: TBD

Vegetarian meals will be plated and served.
Vegetarian Option: Pasta Primavera and Red Sauce.
Please indicate vegetarian when you send your response.
RSVP by Monday, 3 February, 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232
$25.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to Annapolis Elks.
All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of the dinner


ASPS COW & Founders Day 2025:


Sunday, March 02, 2024
Carrol's Creek Cafe (www.carrolscreek.com)
410 Severn Ave, Annapolis, MD 21403 

11:30am until 4:00pm

Speaker: TBD - Speaker Subject: TBD

Sunday Brunch: Egg Casserole, Scrambled Eggs, French Toast Casserol, Bacon, Sausage, Home Fries, Seasonal Fruit Bowl, Fresh Baked Biscuits, Sausage Gravy, Pitchers of Orange & Cranberry Juice, Coffee & Tea. Cash Bar.


RSVP by Monday, 24 February, 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232
(Reserve Early - Limit of 45)


$25.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to ASPS.


Note: All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of your meal.


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